Showing 126 - 150 of 396 Results
Biblioteca Della Riforma Italian : Trattatelli Di P. P. Vergerio by Vergerio, P. P., P. M. Verm... ISBN: 9781286252789 List Price: $19.75
Dialogo de la lengua (Spanish Edition) by Juan de Valdes ISBN: 9789700722085 List Price: $8.95
Obras Antiguas de Los Espanoles Reformados Volume 1-3; V. 15 by Juan De Valdes ISBN: 9781235681004 List Price: $22.07
Poesas De El Dr. D. Juan Melendez Valdes, Del Consejo De S.m. Oidor De La Chancilleria De Va... by Juan Meléndez Valdés ISBN: 9781274122865 List Price: $33.75
Alfabeto Christiano, Which Teaches the True Way to Acquire the Light of the Holy Spirit. fro... by Vald�s, Juan de, Wiffen, Be... ISBN: 9781294634485 List Price: $31.75
Conquenses Tomo 4. Alonso y Juan de Valds (Spanish Edition) by Fermín Caballero ISBN: 9785519006675 List Price: $44.95
Jun De Valds' Commentary Upon the Gospel of St. Matthew: Tr. by J.T. Betts. Lives of ... Jun... by Juan de Valdés, Eduard Boehmer ISBN: 9781295130351 List Price: $43.75
Di�logo de la Lengua by de Vald�s, Juan, Longa, Alba ISBN: 9781502387257 List Price: $6.90
Libro de La Camara Real del Principe Don Juan E Officios de Su Casa E Servicio Ordinario [Ed... by Gonzalo Fernandez Oviedo y.... ISBN: 9781287480174 List Price: $38.75
Life and Writings of Juan de Valdes: Otherwise Valdesso, Spanish Reformer in the Sixteenth C... by Benjamin Barron Wiffen ISBN: 9781287507741 List Price: $45.75
Juan de Valdes' Commentary Upon St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans: Tr. by J.T. Betts. Appende... by Juan de Valdes, Eduard Boehmer ISBN: 9781287979241 List Price: $32.75
Life and Writings of Juan de Valdes: Otherwise Valdesso, Spanish Reformer in the Sixteenth C... by Juan De Valdes, John Thomas... ISBN: 9781287854746 List Price: $45.75
Poesas de Juan Melndez Valdes; tomo primero (Spanish Edition) by Juan Meléndez Valdés ISBN: 9781235238925 List Price: $15.84
Juan de Valde S' Commentary Upon St. Paul's First Epistle to the Church at Corinth by Juan De Valdes, John Thomas... ISBN: 9785518583542 List Price: $44.95
Libro de la Camara Real Del Principe Don Juan e Offi�ios de Su Casa e Serui�io Ordinario - P... by Fern�ndez De Oviedo Y Vald�... ISBN: 9781294335795 List Price: $32.75
Jua N de Valde S' Commentary Upon St. Paul's First Epistle to the Church at Corinth by Juan De Valde S., John Thom... ISBN: 9785518673137 List Price: $44.95
Ziento I Diez Consideraziones; Primera Vez Publicadas en Castellano, el A. 1855 by Vald�s, Juan de ISBN: 9781235525193 List Price: $22.54
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